Sunday, February 19, 2012

You Know What I'm Sayin'?

Alright…I’ve had it!

I’ve been, “Back in the day-ed”, one too many times.

It’s time for some new crutch phrases, please.

Ya know what I’m sayin’? Whoops, that’s the worst one. Listen to MTV
or BET and you can’t go two minutes without hearing, “Ya know what I’m sayin’?”. Or talk to anyone under, say, 35 and you’re likely to be asked that a lot during conversation. “You know what I’m sayin’?”.

NO! I don’t know what you’re saying because you’re speaking in a new form of Pigeon English that is increasingly hard to understand. Hey, I’m just keeping it real here. Honestly, watch Mike Judge’s film Idiocrasy and you’ll see where we’re headed and more quickly than five hundred years.

Some how we have successfully navigated away from, “Talk to the hand” and “Don’t go there”. But we need to go further.

I really don’t want to, “Get all up in that” and I don’t want to “Get down on it”. I don’t want to hit that or tap that.

I don’t want to hear any more Old Skool anything and I especially don’t care that, “It’s all good”.

It’s not just street talk that’s overused either, white collar office types are abundant
with worn out words as well.

“Too much information” has been used way too many times and if I hear once
more in a “creative” session to think outside the box I’m gonna put someone in a box.
If you want to inspire someone to be so freakin’ creative then YOU come up with
a better way of saying, “I have no ideas and no creative input” except, “People, let’s
think outside the box here”.
Are you picking up what I’m laying down? 


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