Sunday, February 19, 2012

Race for the White House 2008

I am watching with joyful glee the race for the White House.

I think most of us will agree the GWB has been a bit of a disappointment. Some will say the worst president ever, while others still feel the love for him.

I fall somewhere in the middle. I don’t like some of the decisions he’s made, I think he’s stubborn and has listened to some really bad advice. But on the other hand I don’t think he lied to me either. I also think that W is, both not as nice, nor not as stupid as many will say he is.

I find it interesting that those who argue so vehemently that the President pulled the wool over the eyes of the whole world, including some of the great thinkers of our time are
also the same ones who say that George W. Bush is so stupid that he can’t tie his
own shoes. 
Yes, I’m talking to you Bill Maher. I’m a big fan of yours but the constant, “I hate Bush” and “Bush is stupid” drivel that you have stooped to is unfunny, not entertaining at all and quite honestly below you. I believe you have more talent and more intelligent things to say than that.

Come on friends, you can’t have it both ways. You can’t say on one hand that he is dumber than rocks then on the other say that he masterminded not only the take down of the World Trade Towers but then somehow fooled the whole world into believing his made up evidence, which would be pretty brilliant when you think about the scope of such an undertaking.

However, George Bush is yesterday’s news, we now look toward a new occupant
in the White House. And it’s getting fun.

Here is why I watch with joyful glee.

The far left of this country, including Hollywood and a lot of the print and broadcast media seem to have come to the conclusion that there will be a Democrat in the White House but their not sure which one yet, well except for NBC who has done everything but make Brian Williams put on a short cheerleader skirt and yell, “Obama, Obama he’s my man”, at the top of his nightly newscast, with Merideth, Al and Matt waving Pom Poms behind him.

The shoe in, Billary Cinton, stumbled in Iowa then recovered in NH, or did she? A careful look at the delegate count, courtesy of FOX News will show you that Billary and Don’t Tell Mama I’m for Obama tied in New Hampshire with 9 delegates each.

And now our first, self proclaimed, “black” president, Slick Willy has his brothers, that is the black population, mad at him for saying that the whole Obama phenomenon is the biggest fairy tale he’s ever seen. Meanwhile his other half Bill Junior has the same folks mad at her for saying that Marty King has less to do with the Civil Rights Movement taking hold than Lyndon Johnson did.

Weeeeeeeeee!!! Uh oh perhaps that was a bit too Howard Dean, sorry. I mean hold on it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

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