Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Davy Jones

Say it ain't so, Davy Jones dead?... it can't be... it just can't be.

But it is, the news just cleared the wires. DAVY JONES OF THE MONKEES DEAD OF A HEART ATTACK AT 66.

A huge piece of my and our youth vanishes with the passing of Davy, because the Monkees were the epitome of eternal youth. Silly, disrespectful - in a fun way and full of life.

I was first a Beatles fan, but at 11 years old when the Monkees hit the scene, WOW! It was like the Beatles and the Marx Brothers had a litter of, well...  Monkees. They were funny, they were on every week and the music was good. I wanted my hair as long as Mike's, my Mom said, "Your hair will NEVER be that long".  Never say never Mom, eventually even my Dad's hair was as long as Mike's.

While the Monkees TV series was short lived, two years I think. Their music endured. Just listen to I'm A Believer or Not Your Steppin' Stone... still good pop music. For a treat listen to their a cappella Christmas Song...Riu absolute treat.

My love affair with the Monkees continues. I watch their TV show whenever I can and avoid their movie Head like any Monkee fan does. I have, in my bonus room, a Monkees metal lunch box from the 60's and in my office hangs this picture of me and Mr. Jones circa 1988.
I had the distinct pleasure of introducing the Monkees on stage at The Greek Theater and The Universal Amphitheater on several occasions while a DeeJay at K-Earth in Los Angeles. And Davy, as well as the rest of the boys were wonderful... well actually Peter can be a bit of a stinker, but hey who cares.

So, farewell Davy Jones and farewell to that piece of my youth that belongs to you. And thank you for the hours and hours of laughter and joy.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, he was the first love of many of us girls all over the world. We would stand in our room with a microphone and sing his songs pretending we were entertainers. They were funny, they were silly but there was never a show that I missed or a song I didn't know the words to. They were a wonderful group and it is with grat sadness that my first crush has passed away at such an early age. Well, in piece and we will see you one day in the great music hall in Heaven. Love, Kathy Bainbridge
