Sunday, February 19, 2012

President Ford

Former President Gerald Ford died early this morning and my only reaction was, “Hmmm”, and I don’t exactly know why.

I don’t dislike President Ford, I have nothing against him and yet his death brought none of the feelings I had when we lost President Reagan, President Kennedy and yes, even President Nixon. So, I’m wondering, why this non reaction on my part?

Of course, I am sorry for his friends and family for their loss and the death of anyone who has contributed something positive leaves a little less light in this world. But I think my reaction has something to do with what kind of President he was and I guess in a word his presidency to me was, “Hmmm”.

He seemed to me to be the “substitute teacher” President, just short of being the real thing. He was also the guy who was always falling down the stairs and the guy who helped make Chevy Chase famous with his pratfalls on Saturday Night Live. He was hated by some for pardoning Nixon, but looking back now, wasn’t it the best thing for the country?

I was eight years old when President Kennedy was assassinated and I remember that day like it was yesterday. I remember feeling like I had been punched in the gut, really hard. I remember the sorrow of the country and the collective feeling of loss.

I don’t remember the deaths of Presidents Johnson, Eisenhower or Truman, but being from Southern California the death of President Nixon had an effect on me. I lived only 4 miles from his birthplace and Presidential Library in Yorba Linda where he is buried.
And although his presidency is forever scared with the memories of Watergate, I believe that in better times President Nixon did make some good contributions.

Next to President Kennedy the loss of President Reagan had the most impact on me. I had the opportunity to visit his library and grave site the week of his passing and it really moved me. I felt a sense of loss and sadness, even hearing the news brought me to a pause.

But I have none of those feelings with the loss of President Ford and that’s a shame because by all accounts he was probably the nicest man of the whole bunch. My thoughts and prayers are with the family and personal friends of President Ford and I honestly mean no disrespect here…BUT…”Hmmm”.

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