Sunday, February 19, 2012

Chap Stick Junkie

ChapStick…I don’t get it, and I mean that literally, I don’t get it. I have never, ever bought a stick of ChapStick. I have never felt the need to buy ChapStick, but those who do buy it, buy a lot of it.

And that about sums up my theory on ChapStick….using ChapStick causes you to need to use ChapStick, period.

It’s brilliant really, from a marketing standpoint, make a consumable product that when used properly causes the user to NEED more of the product. Every good drug pusher uses the same marketing model.

Same goes for Chiropractors, I’ve never been to a Quack-a-practor, uh um, sorry, Chiropractor. I don’t see anything wrong with going, when you really need to, like after an auto accident or some sort of injury. But my best bud Larry goes all the time to get “readjusted” or “realigned”, why?

He explained to me why, “You see Michael, after a week or so of walking around, tying your shoes and getting in and out of cars, who knows how many times, your body tends to get out of alignment “, “How come mine doesn’t?”, blank stare, “You just don’t understand”. He then licked his lips and reached for his ChapStick.

I think I do understand, going to the Chiropractor gets you back into perfect skeletal alignment and as you walk out the door, your body, your unique, customized, one of a kind body starts trying to get back into it’s normal, NATURAL, state…you’re well on your way to needing your next alignment.

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