Sunday, February 19, 2012

Farewell Garry

We’ve lost a good one, Garry Betty CEO of EarthLink, died of cancer
yesterday at the age of 49.

I had the opportunity to direct Garry in many video shoots for Earthlink, what a joy. He was very, very easy going, great to work with and always knew his lines, which was a real bonus because he didn’t like to do second takes.

He was usually up for almost anything, “Here Garry wear this shirt”, or “Garry, could you say it this way”, was most often met with the response, “Whatever you need”.

Garry had a great head of hair and one of my favorite bits that we did with him was to
show him in a video with a “fake” bald head, Garry had challenged Earthlink employees to reach a goal and if they reached that goal he would shave his head.

I always enjoyed listening to Garry speak because he had one of those very
cool, southern gentleman accents. Not the southern hick you hear on television and in movies but the REAL southern accent.

And while I didn’t work side by side with him on a daily basis he seemed to be very
well liked by, not only his immediate staff but also the Earthlink crew. You didn’t hear Betty Bashing in the hallways.

My sincere condolences to Kathy and the rest of the family, I shed a tear with you. God Bless.

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