Sunday, February 19, 2012


My New Year’s wish is simple. Can we bring back some good old fashioned honesty
this coming year?

I’m tired of all the excuses, all of the, “it’s not my fault”, “I was as going to BUT”, “I‘ll try” and all the rest. You’ve had them used on you and at some point, if we’re being honest here, you’ve probably used a few yourself.

It’s convenient and oh so easy to do, late for a meeting?, “I’m stuck in traffic” works great. Don’t want to go to a party or gathering?, “Uh, I have to work that day”, or “I can’t get a babysitter”, are superb little white lies.

And really who gets hurt by those “little white lies”? You do, that’s right YOU! You’re compromising yourself, your good name and your reputation. Plus, when you tell one of those tiny little fibs you often have to embellish it later and drag others into the deceit…not fair.

How many times has the phone rung and as you go to answer it someone in the room whispers, “I’m not here”. Then you’re left holding the bag and are forced to lie. Lying is bad enough but forcing someone else to lie for you is rotten.

So when did all of this lying become so hip and mainstream? Many will say Bill Clinton, ushered us into this uncouth season, when he pounded his fist on that podium, glared into the camera and lied to the whole world about Monica Lewinsky. Imagine that? I know all of us has told a lie at some point, to some one,  but to lie to the whole world at once…with a straight face? That’s a special kind of liar.

It’s funny that the same people who supported President Clinton’s right to lie are the same people who are so upset at George Bush for “lying” to the American people about WMDs, go figure.

So how about this for a crazy idea? As we ring in the New Year, let’s bring it in with truthfulness, honesty and integrity. If every American told not one lie this coming year, imagine how crime would drop, how your interpersonal relationships might flourish and how much better deal you could get on a new car.

Many will say that it’s impossible because there will be those that will lie anyway and that’s true, but how bout giving it a try. Let it begin with you and see if you feel better about yourself. Then begin to notice how often others lie and how unattractive it is.

I wish you all a Happy, productive healthy, successful 2007…honest.

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