Sunday, February 19, 2012

What am I Anyway?

What am I anyway? At the outset this seems like an odd and somewhat pathetic question about oneself, doesn’t it? But really what am I, a liberal or a conservative? Am I a Republican or a Democrat, a walking contradiction or just normal? Honestly…I don’t know.

Actually, I’m all over the map and I’ll bet, or ay least I’m hoping a lot of you are too. And not just in politics, this carries over into everyday life as well.

I’ll reveal a few things about myself and let’s see if you can pigeonhole me.

I am absolutely 100% opposed to abortion but I think marijuana should be legal.
I voted for Democrat Jimmy Carter, but now don’t care much for him. I voted for Independent Ross Perot, but now don’t even know where he is. I voted for Republican George W. Bush, but now don’t care much for him.

I will not vote for Hilary Clinton, but I hope she wins…just to get the loony left to shut up for four years.

I am a fan of Bill Maher but disagree with almost everything he says. Same goes for Alec Baldwin, Aaron Sorkin and Larry David.

I hate the bad influences and role models of some entertainment but I love the movie Pulp Fiction and one of my favorite Rolling Stones songs is Sympathy for the Devil, go figure.

I love ketchup, spaghetti sauce and salsa but hate tomatoes.

I go to a fairly fundamentalist church, where we believe Jesus Christ is Messiah but there are no crosses in the church, there is a however a menorah and a dove at the alter.

My record collection has several Sinatra albums wedged in between the Archies and Frank Zappa.

Now, you might think I’m being flip or am just trying to get a laugh with some of the items above but I’m not, I’m dead serious with each of these. And this short list doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface. This is the contradiction of being me.

So what am I? Democrat? No! Republican? Nope. Some would say Libertarian, but that sounds too much like librarian for my liking plus I don’t know if they all hate tomatoes.

1 comment:

  1. You and I are so much alike... I also voted for Ross- and spoke to him on the Larry King show :) I went to conference in Vegas many years ago and heard Maher live- which was way better than anything I've seen him do on TV. I enjoy Jon Stewart for the most part- he is intelligent and funny. I miss the days of Laugh In- Except for the Vietnam parts. I'm going to bed now ;)
