Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Rick Factor

I used to be related to Rick, but because of a divorce Rick is no longer my “brother in law”, so I don’t see him much anymore and that’s a real shame because I’m fond of him, he’s a great guy and I always enjoyed talking with him, but the best thing of all about Rick is that funny stuff just seems to happen to him, around him or because of him.

Recently, at my daughter Sarah’s wedding, I had the chance to see Rick again and as we were talking his, 30 something, daughter joined us. I hadn’t seen Jennifer in probably fifteen to twenty years and it was very special to hear her say, “Hi Uncle Michael”, once again.

I asked Jennifer if she wanted to hear a great story about her old man, she, of course, said yes.

Rick fun #1

Just to quickly set the stage; If you remember the television show Bewitched you’ll remember the meddling mother in law “witch” is called Endora, Rick’s mother in law is Edwina.

I told Jennifer when she was about three or four,  we were all sitting around talking one day and she came into the room walked right up to her Grandmother and asked loud enough for all to hear, “Gramma, at home, why does daddy call you Endora?”. As I was trying my hardest not to fall off my chair and fighting a losing battle at wetting myself, Rick began to turn kind of a fire engine red and began sputtering non words much like Jackie Gleason’s, “Homina, homina, homina”. I was getting elbowed for laughing, Rick, I think got a smack from his wife and Endora, er Edwina just starred one of those great mother in law stares, accented by a bit of facial twitching.

It’s one of those moments that you’ll never forget and still to this day I laugh out loud at times when something reminds me of it. By the way, just to set the record straight, Edwina is nothing at all like Endora but was and is still a wonderful lady.

Rick fun #2

I continued by telling Jennifer about the time my wife and I had gone over to baby sit her and her sister Sharon while her Dad and Mom, Veda, went out to some sort of dinner party, class reunion or something.

I had a late model Cadillac, pretty sharp looking, copper color with a white vinyl top. It was kind of a unique color for a Caddie and while it was a factory paint job you didn’t see too many of them that color.

Rick asked if he could drive my car for the evening, I said sure. Well, everything went great with the kids and they were tucked away in bed and I went out in the front yard just as Rick and Veda pulled up in “my” car.

I asked them how the party went, they said, “Great”, I asked how dinner was, they said, “Great”. I asked how the car was, they said “Great”. Rick said thanks for the use of the car and as a thank you he had filled up the very large gas tank. I said, “Rick, that’s very generous…thank you…there’s just one problem”, Rick asked, “Problem? What problem?” It was the moment I had waited for since they pulled up to the curb. I hesitated, timing is everything, pointed at the car and stated, “The problem is…is that this is NOT my car”.  Rick did that same Jackie Gleason voice that he had done at Endora’s…uh…Edwina’s. “What?...homina…homina…not your car…homina…valet!?!?!…homina…homina”.

I pointed out that while the car at the curb was the same color as mine the vinyl top was tan and not bright white like mine and that the key ring that he just handed me had pictures of kids that I do not know, cute kids, but not mine.

About a half hour later Rick returned home with MY car and told us how the owner of the other car was pacing back and forth in front of my car that the valet had delivered to him and that he was very angry till he learned that he had a full tank of gas.

Rick, Jennifer and I had a good laugh over the story and then said our goodbye’s.

I hope I haven’t put into your mind that Rick is some sort of buffoon or goofball, because he isn’t, far from it. He just happens to be one of those people that odd and funny things happen to, and it’s those types that make this world a bit more bearable a lot more fun.

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