Sunday, February 19, 2012

Situational Extrovert

Are you an introvert or are you an extrovert? Whichever you are might determine how much fun the Holiday Season is for you.
If you are an extrovert you probably can’t wait for the next party, get together or dinner. You’re hoping that there is dancing, karaoke or perhaps even a game of Twister.

For the introvert this could be a painful time of year, dreading the next social gathering,
mixer or Christmas bash. The worst thing for the introvert is joining in, being dragged onto the dance floor or worse yet singing around a piano.

Why people are introverted or extroverted is somewhat of a mystery The Stanford Report has a lengthy and brain numbing story about some aspects here:

…but more mysterious yet are those of us who straddle between the two, the Situational Extrovert.

That’s me, put a mic in my hand and push me on stage in front of 15,000 people and I feel alive, complete and at home. To me there’s no better feeling in the world than to have a thousand watt spotlight on my face. BUT, put me in room with 10 to 20 strangers and I feel like a frightened turtle, I want to be in my shell. I will be pleasant and chit-chat but I would rather just sit, watch and listen.

I have been chastised by dates who have taken me to parties expecting, I guess, the “on stage” Michael to show up only to be embarrassed by the “off stage” Michael’s quietness
and less than enthusiastic participation in singing, dancing and merrymaking. I decided to “fix” my problem and you can too.

In tomorrow’s blog I’ll offer some help for you Situational Extroverts, like me, or pure introverts to get you through the Holiday Season of parties or through social situations in general.

Talents for Living  Part One….tomorrow.

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