Sunday, February 19, 2012

My TIVO is an Idiot

Yes that’s right…my TIVO is an idiot.

Who won the San Diego – Indianapolis game?
I don’t know because my TIVO is an idiot!

What happened on Monk Friday night?
I don’t know because my TIVO is an idiot!

I did my part…I looked the game up on the schedule,
hit the handy red record button for the program,
NFL Football , San Diego @ Indianapolis…cool right?

NO…because the game went past the 3hours and 30 minutes
in the schedule grid and my TIVO stopped recording with several
minutes left in the game.

Why? Because my TIVO is an idiot.

Did Monk and Natalie solve the latest caper while driving Captain Stottlemeyer and Randy slightly koo koo? I don’t know because my TIVO is an idiot!

My TIVO said “Monk” on the Playing Now list but it wasn’t Monk, it was the show that came on before Monk.

I know that you’re probably saying there’s only one idiot in my household and his name isn’t TIVO and that operator error is most likely to blame.

Oh contraire, being a fan of Monk I am very Monkish in some ways and one of those ways is being meticulous in the extra curricular reading of owner’s manuals and instruction booklets.

NOWHERE in the TIVO manual does it mention that I have to out think the TIVO and add the program after the one I want recorded, “just in case”. I figured that one out on my own.

And while I’m on a TIVO harangue, TIVO keep your opinions to yourself. Just because I want to watch the football game does not mean that I want to watch the badminton playoffs from Jolly Ole England.

One final thought, the makers of TIVO are idiots too. Did you hear that TIVO was miffed that everyone was using their product name as the generic term for DVRing a program? As in, “I TIVOed the game but haven’t watched it yet”?

They sent word out that talk shows and the like were not to use TIVOed any more.

Are you kidding me? Have they not seen the success of the brand names that have become the generic term for products? Kleenex and Coke to name a couple.

Oh well, I’m going to go set my DVR to record the presidential debate and the three programs after it, just in case.

Because as you now know…my DVR is an idiot!

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