Monday, January 14, 2013

To earring or not to earring, that is the question.

I was sitting in Noodles and Company in Nashville recently enjoying some Thai something or another, minding my own business. The fellow one booth away was facing me, he was roughly my age, average height and build, nothing really special about him at all.

What caught my eye was that little cross earring on his left ear. He didn't look like a biker, a goth, or even a musician, just a regular guy enjoying his noodles.

In the eighties I too wore an earring, correction, several earrings. I have four piercings, all visible, two on each ear lobe. Somewhere in time I just stopped wearing the earrings for one simple reason, I thought I was too old for such adornment. I felt kinda silly, like I was trying a wee bit too hard to hang on to youth. Youth that will slip away slowly but surely anyway.

And there sat my little ear holes for the next 20ish years, empty, lonely and healing themselves.

A week before Christmas 2012 I went and got new earrings. Little gold crosses.

I wear just one, in my left ear because as I understand it, left is right and right is wrong if you're playing for the hetro team.

There was a lot of self doubt and bickering within myself as to if I should really do this again or not. I mean really is it that big a deal? No, not at all, I really like it. And it doesn't matter if anybody else likes it or not. I wear it for me. Although it did make me laugh when my mom just pointed at it and giggled.

Am I trying to stay young? Hardly, just take a look at those bags under my eyes just three inches from my little gold cross. "Bellman, can I get some help with these bags?" A little gold cross will do NOTHING to halt the aging process and do nothing to keep me young.

I do however have to be more diligent with the ear grooming so as not to have a wayward Donald Trump like hair curling around the cross.

The biggest reason for my little gold cross is what it represents and that is simply faith. No preaching here, I have no room to preach. But I have always been a big fan of the big man upstairs.

There has recently been a major upswing in not only the voice of atheists worldwide but in the perceived "coolness" of declaring yourself atheist. Most atheist will agree that Jesus was a cool dude and perhaps a prophet, but certainly not deity. As Snagglepuss once said, "I beg to differ, I'm a differ begger".   I believe Jesus was exactly who he said he was, The Son of God.

Ask yourself this one question. If we followed what Jesus said, "Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself", what would the world look like? One sentence could change everything.

Nuff said, love to you all.

Did he really get God, Jesus and Snagglepuss into the same blog? Yes he did!